Marketing and Publishing Services for Publishers

In a rapidly evolving marketplace, publishers are pressed to do more than ever before to find an audience for your titles. Where formerly, books were on display in stores, now they compete online, not only with other books, but with every other product or form of entertainment. We are in the ultimate “eyeball” economy.

In this environment, publishers and authors must harness new skillsets to reach out to readers and break through the noise.

Easton and its imprints have years of experience in every category of trade publishing—adult and children’s books, fiction and nonfiction. We can help you market and sell books, create and nurture audiences, combining creativity and data for measurable results. In a busy crowded environment, with more books published than ever, fewer review outlets, and a constantly evolving social media and web environment, we have to always do the basics well, and strive to be as creative as possible, open to new ideas, willing to experiment and meet a changing world with an evolving approach to getting attention and creating word-of-mouth for the books we market.

More signal, less noise.

Contact us to discuss your needs. Tell us how we can help.

We provide a full suite of marketing services, including planning and implementation, or on an ad hoc basis can lend “an extra pair of hands” with expertise in any area of marketing execution you need.

We are accountable! We provide reporting, analysis, and complete assessments on every project we undertake.

Innovation in process and programming: Let’s experiment together. In a world where most marketing simply does not work, we must be creative and be willing to take risks and make mistakes.

Creativity and intelligence

  • Market Research
  • Brainstorming in all aspects of marketing and sales

Book industry intelligence

We are involved in publishing every day. We pay attention to our peers and competitors.

We can provide intelligence on any aspect of your book’s current or emerging markets.

Brand Development

  • Author brand development and support
  • Line and category identification and development
  • Publisher brand building

Metadata and marketing copywriting: your books live online. Make them discoverable. Backlist titles typically should be refreshed at least every year.

  • Frontlist metadata composition and copywriting
  • Backlist metadata review and refresh
  • Keyword research and copywriting

Social media content campaigns

  • Facebook (Meta)
  • Linked In
  • X (FKA Twitter)
  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • Pinterest
  • Goodreads

Social media advertising campaigns

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Google
  • Amazon
  • Option to utilize AI assisted ad campaigns

Amazon performance review and management

  • Advertising
  • A+ Content
  • Metadata review and rewrite
  • Author pages
  • Buy box monitoring
  • Campaign results monitoring
  • Customer review development

Book cover development

  • Design consult
  • Design from scratch
  • Competitive market research
  • Cover focus group review/report

Zoom or Google Meet program development

  • Event planning
  • Author presentation coaching
  • Set up, sound, lighting, video
  • Podcasting—set up, management, audio engineering and editing
  • Webinar development and production
  • Bookstore events

Author virtual appearances and tours

  • Bookstores
  • Libraries and schools
  • Work with teachers
  • Blogs
  • Podcasts
  • Book clubs and discussion groups

Other services

  • Kickstarter consulting and execution
  • Academic marketing for non-scholarly books
  • Direct-to-consumer strategy, planning, and execution
  • Email marketing tools including newsletters, video embeds and more

In addition to marketing services, we offer a full range of outsourced publishing services useful to publishers and authors:

  • Book packaging services including copy editing, proofreading, book design, typesetting, page layout, indexing, and ebook production.
  • Print management—books, flyers, brochures, review copies
  • Book distribution consulting
  • Audio book production

Get in touch to discuss your needs. We’re always happy to talk about books and publishing.

David Wilk ✱ (203) 873-6588 ✱