Marketing and Publishing Services for Authors

We help you market and sell your book, combining creativity and data for measurable results

Whether you are a traditionally published, self-publishing, or publishing with a hybrid publisher, the responsibility for marketing is yours. You are the brand! And your book is an expression of your brand. The reality is that most authors are too busy writing and living their lives to suddenly learn how to be marketers and brand builders. And you should not have to.

Work with professionals who understand how to market, promote and sell books and nurture author brands.

We provide a wide range of services and support for authors at any stage of your writing career, and at any point in the development of your marketing efforts.

Get in touch. Let us know what you need. We can help! You do not need to do it all by yourself.

Consultation and Marketing

  • Building author brands
  • Creating and managing social media and online presences
  • Marketing and promotion programs in support of book launches
  • Website review and build

Coordinate author marketing with publishers

For self-publishing authors

  • Overall strategy and planning
  • Platform review and advice
  • Trade marketing
  • Virtual author tours
  • Bookstore outreach

Paid digital campaigns

  • Amazon Kindle Countdown
  • Amazon free 100 eBook giveaway
  • Amazon free eBook days (5 days available)
  • Amazon sponsored result campaigns (via Amazon Advertising, including sponsored results in Amazon search, other product pages, and Kindle lockscreen ads)
  • Goodreads Giveaways
  • BookBub submissions
  • Freebooksy campaigns
  • Other book centric site programs

Optimization and promotions

  • Goodreads Author profile creation, population, mapping to product page
  • Goodreads Lists addition
  • Amazon Author Central page development
  • Amazon Editorial Praise update
  • Amazon keywords programming
  • Amazon categorization update
  • Author Website SEO Programming

Additional Services:

Book production including editorial, book design, typesetting, page layout, proofreading, indexing, print buying and distribution

  • ARC (Advance Reader Copy) mailings to traditional trade review outlets
  • ARC mailings and outreach to bloggers
  • Book club outreach and submissions
  • eGalleys
  • Coaching and support
  • Inventory management
  • ebook services
  • Audio book production and distribution

In addition to marketing services, we provide a full array of publishing services:

  • Marketing and sales coordination with distributors and wholesalers
  • Inventory management
  • Print buying and management
  • Book packaging
  • ebook services
  • Workflow review
  • Audio book production

Get in touch to discuss your needs. We’re always happy to talk about books and publishing.

David Wilk ✱ (203) 873-6588 ✱ ✱ @dwilk